Can’t tell if my life is getting better or if my standards are just dropping. PGP.
My friends are tailgating right now. I’m at my desk. PGP.
Started to use Rogaine for about a week. Got ED for two weeks and lost hair. PGP.
Finally bonded with the VP. It’s his last day. PGP.
My apartment’s former tenant gets more mail than me. I’ve lived here for six months. PGP.
38 minutes late to work today because I jacked off in the shower this morning. I didn’t even finish. PGP.
Ate my bologna sandwich at my desk today with a sign taped to the back of my chair that said “Out to lunch.” PGP.
I just played the “maybe I have another offer, maybe I don’t” game with a couple companies, and got one to up my offer. PGPM.
Being afraid to put your actual picture on your PGP account. PGP.
Needing to have a break up conversation with a girl after only two weeks of hanging out. PGP.