Coworkers volunteering to show you pictures of their young kids in Halloween costumes. PGP.
Oncoming traffic in a long hallway gives me anxiety. PGP.
Receiving an email from Cindy marked as ‘urgent’ at 4:30 on Halloween Friday. PGP.
I can’t tell anyone at work what I’m going to be for Halloween because it’s too crude and they wouldn’t get the humor. PGP
Went too hard at TGIFridays.
Some of these “adults” are way to into Halloween
SFW costumes during the day, NSFW costumes at the bar
Telling a joke about a fat chick while the office fat chick is actually listening PGP
I’m dressing up as a skinny-fat dad for Halloween. Actually, I do that every day. PGP.
Crashed a conference at the hotel across from my office during my lunch break #FreeCoffeeMug. PGPM.