My work wife seems more concerned about my drinking than my real wife. PGP.
Keeping a Facebook account exclusively for making myself feel a little better by looking at how my high school classmates turned out. PGP.
When leaving 5 min later than normal costs you 45 minutes on your commute…PGP.
Was not mentally prepared to see a high school Class of 2020 shirt today.
The 2 o’clock “I fucking hate this place” sigh
Got a promotion today. Didn’t get a raise. PGP
Paying rent before your friend’s bachelor party because you don’t trust yourself. PGP.
My pre-game level of drinking from college can get me hammered now. PGP.
I can’t get a job, because I don’t have experience, because I can’t get a job. PGP.
The 80/20 rule: do 80% of my work in 20% of the week. PGP