Not wanting to have a hurricane party because of the hangover. PGP.
Trying to adult the Monday after a weekend at your alma mater. PGP.
The older colleague who has zero power over you but finds cause to walk by and look disapprovingly at your computer screen at least once a day. PGP.
When you want to search for a new job but don’t want to go through the trouble of updating your resume. PGP.
One of my relatives asked how my work-life balance was. My first instinct was to laugh. PGP.
Younger coworkers refer to me as “Grandpa” because I drive my Grandma’s old Lincoln. PGP.
Working harder, not smarter. PGP.
Shirt was on inside out today. Nobody told me. PGP.
All of the work, none of the credit. PGP.