Virtual happy hour. PGP.
My last day of work is at the end of this month, and yet, my current boss asked me if I could cover for him while he’s gone during the week of July 4th. PGP.
“So how long have you been driving with Uber?” PGP.
Checking the calories in beer. PGP.
Went home with a colleague on Friday after a company night out; the Monday fear is crippling. PGP.
“Who all do we have on the call?” PGP.
The solo cab ride scene in Master of None hitting too close to home. PGP.
My boss is blaring “Free Bird” in his office. PGP.
My password expired…I had to create a new password on my last day. PGP.
“Alexa, where did it all go wrong?””Sorry, I couldn’t find an answer to the question you were looking for.” PGP.