Pregnancy scare: Day three. PGP.
My mom told me she was proud of me. I think she was trying to convince herself more than anything. PGP.
“Come see me when you get in this morning.” PGP.
For my 25th birthday I got laid off. PGP.
“We’re just not seeing the productivity we’d like.” PGP.
Coworkers talking to you about their kids going through rush. PGP.
Being hazed with office scavenger hunts. PGP.
Coworker asked if I had dental work done because my cheek looked swollen. I had a dip in. PGP.
Boss said I could wear shorts on casual Friday. Then he set the AC to 62. PGP.
Took four days of vacation. Up at 6 a.m. on day one. PGP.