Prop bets on which friend’s baby will cry first at the Super Bowl party, and whose pregnant wife will make him leave first. PGP.
When it’s not just the weird kids from high school anymore, but your actual friends getting engaged now. PGP.
I’m just here so I don’t get fired. PGP.
Still getting rejected after being flown-in for the final interview. PGP.
The closest thing I have to a man cave is the handicapped stall in the secret office bathroom. PGP.
There is a cute girl that sits across from me at work. I have no idea how to handle this situation. PGP.
Completed a 26.2 episode marathon. Special thanks to Netflix for believing in me. PGP.
Promoted from an hourly to a salaried position. Celebrated my first week by working 23 hours of unpaid overtime. PGP.
Spent over five hours of company time playing Oregon Trail, making up for all the elementary school sessions that my teachers cut short. PGP.
My bank account sits at -$13.47. I am worth negative one medium, no topping pizza. PGP.