I’ve been hungover while being ghosted on the past two days. This is what mental death feels like.
I now officially have a favorite brand of cough drops. PGP.
Threw out my lower back playing corn hole at a brewery this weekend. PGP
Requested PTO to take off last Thursday. The request is still pending. I took off last Thursday regardless. PGPM.
My manager added me on Snapchat. PGP.
Finally synced my work email to my phone, now I’m “accessible” at all times. PGP.
Being afraid to ask your boss a question because you’re pretty sure you should already know the answer. PGP.
Had a nightmare I wore khakis on casual Friday thinking it was Thursday.
April, 22 and the box of random drug tests is delivered to the office. PGP.
Too old for tinder. Too young for Match.