My life is a typo. PGP.
My job is 100% fixing other people fucking up. PGP.
My ‘if we’re not married by’ just posted that she and her perfect husband are expecting their 2nd child. At least I have an InstaPot. PGP.
“Didn’t you wear that shirt on Monday?” PGP.
Having a better alcohol tolerance than is undergrad… because you’ve gained 30 pounds. #pgp
Already hating a new job I haven’t even started yet. PGP.
Since the new year began, I’ve been spending 60% of time at work applying to jobs, 20% catching up on news, 10% eating or drinking coffee, and 10% or less actually doing work. PGP.
Coworkers that think it is socially acceptable to clip their fingernails at their desk. PGP.
The most junior guy just gave his 2-week notice today. He’s only been here for a month. PGP.
Email stating the office will be closed included tips “to best enable working from home and limit business disruption.” PGP.