My married manager asks about my sexual conquests. Every Monday. PGP.
The never ending guessing game about how much you think upper management makes. PGP.
My goodness.
I legitimately just questioned if I was invisible. Then questioned my sanity. Then poured another coffee and checked my email. PGP.
Mentally checking out from work two weeks before your day off. PGP.
Let’s have a meeting to plan what we’re going to plan for our next meeting. PGP.
I can’t believe I was the best candidate for the job. I’m a dipshit employee. PGP.
“I just wanna lie on the beach and eat hot dogs. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.” -Kevin Malone. PGP.
Hot new intern stopped by to introduce herself. HR stopped by to give me a preemptive warning. PGP.
Taking a nap on the floor of your office instead of taking a lunch break. PGP.