
You going back for Homecoming?

Member Since 06/12/2013

What did people do before excel?

Post Grad Problems

I know who used the Keurig before me based on the cartridge that’s left behind. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

That guy who asked questions at the end of a lecture will evolve into the guy who causes your meetings to run late.

Post Grad Problems

Lost too much weight and can’t afford a new wardrobe. PGP

Post Grad Problems

Either join a gym or attend AA. Those are my options right now.

Post Grad Problems

I am getting closer and closer to just not caring. #PGP

Post Grad Problems

Take night classes they said, accounting till 9:30 will be fun they said.

Post Grad Problems

Regretting every single time you decided not to go out in college.PGP.

Post Grad Problems

I don’y always drink beer, but when I do…its whatever is cheapest and I get absolutely annihilated.

Post Grad Problems

It took a year of networking and befriending IT to get the Wifi password. PGP

Post Grad Problems