Doing a fast food audit of your bank account. PGP.
Pushing the “close door” button on the elevator to feel important and powerful. PGP.
The transition from Windows 95 to Mac OSX when you get home from the office. PGP.
Getting hammered at a kid’s birthday party. PGP.
Realizing that you are the only one in the office without a kid. PGP.
Entering the wrong code at a vending machine. PGP.
Sitting next to smelly people on public transportation. PGP.
Signing up for your first corporate 5K. PGP.
The daily battle with the downtown meter-maid. PGP.
An attempt to change up the monotony of everyday life resulting in telling the barista a false name. PGP.
Didn’t win the Powerball so you have to go back to work tomorrow. PGP.
Not having enough money in your 401k to buy a single share of Google. PGP.