My condom stash is expired. PGP.
Using seasonal affective disorder as a cover for your alcoholism. PGP.
Typing rebuttal emails in word knowing you can’t actually send them without extensive editing if you want to keep your job. PGP.
My boss just put in his two weeks notice. PGP.
Some guy from another floor is washing his hair in our bathroom. PGP.
Company holiday was just changed from a Friday night happy hour to a Tuesday luncheon. PGP.
Drawing your boss in the Secret Santa drawing. PGP.
Year-end bonus had taxes taken out of it. PGP.
When you’re already working 12+ hour days and your boss tells you to “step it up”. PGP.
Not sure whether to have a water bottle filled with whiskey or actual water hidden in my suit for the Christmas party. PGP.