Not getting the end of year bonus because I started my new job 2 days after the firm’s FY. PGP.
Too tired to drink. PGP.
Opting to listen to radio commercials over taking my headphones off to hear my coworkers talk. PGP.
Responding to sales emails with a clip of Chevy Chase saying “Merry Christmas, Kiss My Ass, Kiss His Ass, Kiss Your Ass.” PGP.
My usual headphones and my back-up set both broke this morning. PGP.
The very first thing my colleague said this morning: “Fuck this place!” I love my colleague. PGP.
The whole gang got back together this weekend, didn’t pass out in my own tuxedo this time. PGP.
I thought losing my fantasy playoff matchup was depressing, then I showed up to work on Monday. PGP.
My girlfriend reads Things Girls Do After Graduation, so now I have mad ring pressure. PGP.
Silently puking in the office bathroom the morning after the holiday party. PGP.