Taking personal advantage of Fathers’ Day sales because you need them more than your old man. PGP.
An absolutely horrific day of golf is still better than a good day in the office. PGP.
Ironically, my office communicator has said “Busy” all day. PGP.
Access to the requested site has been restricted due to its contents. PGP.
Having a significantly better lifestyle while away on a business trip. PGP.
*accidentally swipes left* “SHE WAS THE ONE!” PGP.
I bought season tickets for the minor league hockey team in town because I thought it’d be a great way to treat friends and clients. I went to 15 games alone. PGP.
It’s hard to date a guy who drives a 2004 Dodge Neon and can only afford to drink Lonestar Tall Boys. PGP.