Birthday dinner at Applebees. PGP.
Just saw saw one of my business ideas in the worst ever article. PGP.
The best part of my week was stealing a chair from the conference room. PGP.
“Thank you for submitting your application to this position. Please do not respond to this email, as this account is not monitored.” PGP.
I just found a $0.50 cent off two or more Lean Cuisines coupon, so I guess you could say 2015 is off to a great start. PGP.
I got transferred 15 times in one call. PGP.
Chased my workout last night with a McDonald’s dollar menu extravaganza. PGP.
I’ll get a bed frame one of these days. PGP.
Work, Netflix, sleep. PGP.
Can I overdose on Advil? PGP.