Listening to stories about people’s kids. PGP
Is it 5:00 yet? PGP.
Saw my boss on tinder, automatically swiped left. He just asked me why I didn’t swip right, I’m not sure if he was joking or not.
Having to “urban dictionary” words interns use. PGP
The gradual decline in goal setting from a six figure salary to a new office chair. PGP.
Hard work is getting in 5 minutes before your boss and acting like you’ve been there for hours PGP.
Being torn between belittling judgement and fleeting jealousy of people who still live with their parents. PGP.
Having your coworker joggle your mouse when you’ve been gone a long time. PGP.
My boss just invited himself to my wedding. PGP.
“The webinar will begin shortly. Please remain on the line” PGP