No Pay Vacay

Member Since 07/17/2014

I regret how much fun I had this weekend.

Post Grad Problems

Almost forgot I had to work today. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

“We are continuing to monitor the adverse conditions in the Houston area. However, operations are expected to continue as normal.” PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Making in 17 years what Andrew McCutchen took home in one paycheck. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

I Hate Your Engagement Photos

The day-after-graduation depression leading to a trip to home depot to find an adult hobby because binge-drinking is now frowned upon. PGP

Post Grad Problems

“Who do I need to notify that the office toilet won’t flush?” PGP

Post Grad Problems

Knowing your the first in line of “non-essentials” to go when things turn bad.

Post Grad Problems

Amazon has Dockers 35% off this week. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

The daily battle of trash bin placement in my cubicle with the janitor.

Post Grad Problems