I Have the Memo

I don't want to quit my job, I just don't want to go anymore.

Member Since 06/12/2013

How the fuck is it only Monday?

Post Grad Problems

Woke up 20 minutes before my alarm feeling refreshed and ready for the day. Decided to “shut my eyes for a second” and I woke up to my alarm blaring, feeling like I had pulled an all nighter.

Post Grad Problems

My one goal at work is to go this whole day without anyone finding out it’s my birthday.

Post Grad Problems

I go on more interviews than dates.

Post Grad Problems

Sincerely being too old for this shit. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

I still have no clue how we continue to make Fortune’s 100 Best Companies To Work For. PGP

Post Grad Problems


This USA/Mexico Hype Video Will Get You All Jacked Up For Next Week’s Game

Coming in for a full day with nothing to do but attend a meeting scheduled for the last hour. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Well today has turned into a run out the clock situation…..again

Post Grad Problems

Pissing as loud as possible to let everyone in the bathroom know you probably have a big dick. PGPM

Post Grad Problems