I Have the Memo

I don't want to quit my job, I just don't want to go anymore.

Member Since 06/12/2013

Sent from my iPhone.

Post Grad Problems

I don’t remember the last time I was Happy for an entire Hour. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Fake it till you make it. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Went to grab the office lunch and nobody paid me back.

Post Grad Problems

I am the only person in my group of friends that has to work today.

Post Grad Problems

Someone at the office announced they were retiring today. I still have 40 more years. PGP

Post Grad Problems

Decided to stay in because Uber had a surge.

Post Grad Problems

Going through the motions. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

I have to work today. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

I can’t stand those college kids. PGP.

Post Grad Problems