I found out my current job was posted on LinkedIn, so I applied for it. PGPM.
Management has been asking for people to volunteer to take days off to save money on payroll. I volunteered tomorrow so I can go to a job interview. PGPM.
The lady at my favorite Chinese restaurant gave me an extra egg roll and a wink because I said “Ni Hao” to her. That’s the most action I’ve gotten in two months. PGP.
How badass is this?
“I just wanted to thank you again for the opportunity…” PGP.
Until recently, I thought Ariana Grande was a font in Microsoft Office. PGP.
Getting so bored at work that you actually do work. PGP.
Keeping a fully-stocked hangover kit in your desk, but never being able to find a pen. PGP.
Rosterbating at work. PGP.