Doing a phone interview from the parking lot of your current employer. PGP.
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I can’t imagine how tired I’d be if I actually worked 40 hours. PGP.
Looking forward to turning 25 because your insurance rates go down. PGP.
Office productivity falling by at least 75% when the boss doesn’t come in. PGP.
Being subjected to sitting in the one chair that squeaks in the conference room during a meeting. PGP.
Getting a call for an interview, but having no clue what it’s for because you’ve applied to so many jobs. PGP.
Just learned I have to carry a separate business iPhone, making me look like the biggest douche of all-time. PGP.
“When’s our next paid holiday?” PGP.
Praying there’s a hot secretary when you drop something off at another company’s office. PGP.