“I’m still trying to play catch-up from being out of the office last week.” PGP
The daily battle of trash bin placement in my cubicle with the janitor.
Sometimes I feel unprofessional for being a freelancer who works from home..But then I just roll over and take a 2:00 pm nap.
Avoiding bathroom eye contact with coworkers, like two shits passing in the night. PGP.
Just uttering “Mornin'” to a coworker because you’re apparently too lazy to say “Good morning.” PGP.
Debating if my ability to lie to clients is a credit to my resourcefulness or a sign of my lack of morality
“Could you cover for me while I’m out this week?” PGP.
The “Can I get your John Hancock on this?” for paperwork requiring a signature. PGP
“Reaching out” to people instead of just emailing or calling them. PGP
“I’m still moving some things around check back with me in an hour or so.” PGP