
Member Since 09/25/2013

Today’s rainy commute caused the dye from my tie to stain my favorite shirt. Happy Monday morning. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Game of Thrones ruining your already terrible Monday morning.

Post Grad Problems

Accidentally slept with the boss’s daughter’s best friend. Somehow he heard about it. #PGP

Post Grad Problems

The fear of being hungover on Monday morning keeps me from drinking on Friday sometimes. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

The handicap stall is bigger then my cube

Post Grad Problems

She wanted a date. I invited her to a networking event instead.

Post Grad Problems

She liked my LinkedIn post, so I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious.

Post Grad Problems

I’m just trying to not throw up PGP

Post Grad Problems

Checking rates on GolfNow on tee times I’m too scared to skip out on work for.

Post Grad Problems

My boss has AskJeeves as his homepage. PGP

Post Grad Problems