Still hear the geico humpday phrase every wednesday. PGP
Of all the things that usually crush my soul on a Wednesday, I never expected one of them to be Netflix. PGP.
New job gave me an actual office with a door. I’m most excited about getting to nap under my new desk. PGP.
Is it seriously only Tuesday? PGP.
A question in the subject line with nothing in the actual email.
The guy that sits beside me, Patrick, is a 40-year-old part time student at the local college while working an entry level sales job, and constantly reminisces about when he used to “crush sales” with a Land Rover dealership. PGP.
Finally have three years of work under my belt, so I can now apply for other entry level jobs that required 3-5 years of experience. PGP.
Having to take your headphones out every time someone walks up to your desk. PGP.
My coworker caught me changing into workout clothes in my car. PGP.
Hyperlinked our company’s website to a Rick Roll video in my email signature. PGPM.