My job is basically to get yelled at all day for things that were in no way my fault. PGP.
“Are you busy?” is an absurd trap of a trick question. PGP.
Friends in relationships constantly trying to set you up with their single friends. PGP.
Actually having to check the expiration date on condoms before using them. PGP.
Big middle finger to whoever just heated up fish in the kitchen microwave. PGP.
The daily “woke up too late to make breakfast” and “too tired after work to cook dinner” fast food runs. PGP.
1: “How’s it going?” 2: “Oh, can’t complain.” 1: “I could.” PGP.
My boss casually brought up his mental health issues during a meeting today. PGP.
My coworkers put a fart machine in my office and then sent the hot intern in to see me for April Fools’ Day. PGP.
My boss’s idea of an April Fools’ joke is having a fire drill when it’s 30 degrees outside. PGP.