If the art of passive aggressive emails was a college major, I would’ve had an amazing GPA. PGP.
Wanting so badly to put “I’m on vacation, fuck off” as your out of office reply. PGP.
The guy I interviewed today said I look like McLovin. PGP.
What the hell is that smell radiating from the break room? PGP.
The constant debate between staying with the company for growth opportunities or leaving and making more money elsewhere. PGP.
“Your monthly bill is now available to view.” PGP.
The same two girls in every pic on Tinder. WHICH ONE ARE YOU? PGP.
Boss: “My sound isn’t working.” Me: “Did you check the mute button?” PGP.
Putting things on your desk/walls so your boss won’t realize you’re planning to leave as soon as humanly possible. PGP.
My boss handed me his iPad with a sticky note on it that read: “Broken.” Turns out he didn’t charge it. PGP.