Getting “Let’s clock 40 yard dash times” drunk. PGP.
My manager saw me wearing aviators and now everytime I call him he answers with, “Talk to me Goose.” PGP.
It’s 9:30 in the morning and I already feel like I need a beer. PGP.
Calling in sick for the World Cup match and then actually getting sick. PGP.
The next 5 to 10 generations of LeBron James’ relatives already have more money than I ever will. PGP.
I tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end it doesn’t even matter. PGP.
Not having hamburger, so just eating the helper. PGP.
Coworkers asked if I was even alive during the OJ trial. I defensively replied that I was 4. PGP.
The switch from Market Pantry to Archer Farms on pay day. PGP.
One of my older coworkers has just now discovered Siri and talks to her phone all day. PGP.