When you’re so bored that you actually start doing some work. PGP.
Wanting so badly to put “I’m on vacation, fuck off” as your out of office reply. PGP.
Gray hairs sprouting like weeds due to stress, conference calls, and the same cubicle for the last 5 years. PGP.
“I wish they’d let us work outside today!” PGP.
The “entry level 15” is a lot more depressing than the “freshman 15.” PGP.
1: “I work an 8-5.” 2: “You mean 9-5?” 1: “No. That’s a figment of your young imagination.” PGP.
To your point, I want to point out that the point of this meeting is to point out things are to your point. PGP.
Tindering your way through an entire staff meeting. PGP.
1: “What’s your day looking like today?” 2: “Busy.” PGP.
Starting a new game with myself called “How casual can I dress before I start getting questionable looks from coworkers?” PGP.