Looking for your Times New Roman in the streets who’s a Wingdings in the sheets, but content on settling with a Calibri every time.
Threatening to boycott your friends wedding if they don’t have an open bar. PGP
Only ordering sodas at lunch when it’s on the company dime.
I had to ask someone if I could email them a document because I don’t know how to work a fax machine. PGP.
The dad body with no intentions of becoming a father
Rumor is the Director knocked up the intern, things just kicked up a notch today
Sometimes I just sit on the toilet to avoid people. PGP.
“Did you get that e-mail I just sent you?” PGP.
Jordan Spieth is 21 and leading the Master’s. I’m 25 and making copies in a cubicle. PGP.
6 wings and one beer turned into 30 wings and me blacking out at Wing Night. PGP