I’m 100% positive the guy begging for change by my office has a higher net worth than me. PGP.
Someone in HR overheard me telling the interns an embellished sex story from college. Strike one. PGP.
There are two types of people in my office: people with hobbies and people with kids. I have neither. PGP.
My desk chair was taken away to use in a meeting. I had to stand all morning. I have a broken foot. PGP.
Got caught Tindering during a meeting. I then had to explain to several of my managers what Tinder was. I can’t tell if they are disgusted or sorry for me. PGP.
People your own age calling you “sir.” PGP.
I’m not anti-social, I just don’t like anyone I work with. PGP.
My date didn’t want to come home with me, but she endorsed me on LinkedIn. So I wouldn’t count it as a total loss. PGP.
Realizing your entry-level “analyst” job feels a lot like an administrative assistant. PGP.
Started upper-middle class now I’m poor. PGP.