I miss being able to relate to TFM. PGP.
Black coffee. Black pants. Black laptop. Black pen. Black soul. PGP.
I haven’t spoken out loud to a single actual person today. PGP.
Access to the requested site has been restricted due to its contents. PGP.
Weighing the price of attending a wedding against how much their friendship means to you. PGP.
I’m not starting work until I’m done being hungover. PGP.
1: “I bought them the cheapest thing on their registry. A frother.” 2: “What the fuck is a frother?” 1: “I don’t know.” PGP.
Conference calls: where stupid questions are born, respect for coworkers is lost, and justification for happy hour is found. PGP.
Shamelessly taking any and all handouts offered to you while visiting family back home. PGP.
My boss’s coffee is as black as her soul. PGP.