Contemplating how much longer you can really last at your job during every Monday morning staff meeting. PGP.
When your drinking schedule on Saturday is 2 to 8 rather than 8 to 2. PGP.
Boss found out I smoke. Now, he bums cigs off me on his breaks. PGP.
My coworker just turned on her space heater. We’re in Texas and it’s July. PGP.
Not only living with your parents, but going to sleep before them. PGP.
LeBron James is demanding a max salary. I’m too scared to ask the IT guy to fix my computer. PGP.
Feeling guilty every time Wikipedia prompts you to donate, knowing that without it you wouldn’t have a degree or job. PGP.
It’s not a question of whether or not I’ll have drinks after work, it’s how many. PGP.
Your boss questioning decisions that they instructed you to make. PGP.
I’ve forecasted the potato salad kickstarter campaign to raise more money in this month than I what I’m going to earn over the next two years. PGP.