Being ready to party but remembering it’s Tuesday. PGP.
No amount of water can fix this Adderall and coffee induced cotton mouth. PGP.
When you’re still paying the price for going out on Friday the following Tuesday. PGP.
Today, I received a stern talking-to. PGP.
My best friend just bought a house. I just bought a Cheesy Gordita Crunch with change. PGP.
They forgot to up-charge me for guac today. I feel like I just won the lottery. PGP.
Going on a “day date” at the zoo instead of tailgating. PGP.
My friends are all getting engaged. I’m still puking on street corners. PGP.
I found out my current job was posted on LinkedIn, so I applied for it. PGPM.
Management has been asking for people to volunteer to take days off to save money on payroll. I volunteered tomorrow so I can go to a job interview. PGPM.