
I have a hard time justifying spending $20 on new underwear but I have no problem spending $65 on a round of golf for the day.

Member Since 09/16/2014

Coming in for a full day with nothing to do but attend a meeting scheduled for the last hour. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Everytime I hear the printer firing up outside my office, I know that’s my cue to make it appear as if I’m working. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Well today has turned into a run out the clock situation…..again

Post Grad Problems

Pissing as loud as possible to let everyone in the bathroom know you probably have a big dick. PGPM

Post Grad Problems

Got caught picking my nose by a quiet-footed coworker walking by my office. PGP

Post Grad Problems

You’re either the slacker who called in sick or the jerk who got the office sick. PGP

Post Grad Problems

Being thankful, not offended, when not asked to be in the wedding party. PGP

Post Grad Problems

Dude in the stall beside me was shamelessly blaring gangster rap from his phone. PGPM for him. PGP for me.

Post Grad Problems

I wonder what millionaires would think if they knew that the people managing their money can’t remember to flush the toilet. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Someone’s car alarm in the parking lot has been going off for hours.

Post Grad Problems