The VP of my department has a mullet. PGP.
Wearing running shoes with slacks. PGP.
Staying two extra minutes late, but just so you don’t have to walk out with anybody. PGP.
My coffee intake has doubled since graduating. Not because my job is harder than school, just more boring. PGP.
Actually being the stalled vehicle on the side of the road you always hear on rush hour traffic reports. PGP.
Skipping out on your morning coffee because you really don’t feel like shitting in the office bathroom today. PGP.
“What the fuck are we supposed to be doing?” PGP.
25 making 35. PGP.
The first word out of my mouth every day is “fuuuuuuck.” PGP.
Getting hired for a job, but not really knowing what you’ll actually be doing. PGP.