
GT '17 | Atlanta

Member Since 07/19/2017

My boss just put in his two weeks notice. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Some guy from another floor is washing his hair in our bathroom. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Is It Too Much To Ask For Everyone To Enjoy The Moment?

My last three Tinder messages have been sponsored advertisements. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Year-end bonus had taxes taken out of it. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

My coworkers talked about their daughters’ basketball game for an entire hour this morning. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Ladies, It’s Time We Start Paying Off The Bouncer

When you’re already working 12+ hour days and your boss tells you to “step it up”. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Not sure whether to have a water bottle filled with whiskey or actual water hidden in my suit for the Christmas party. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

The “My Wife/GF Is Out of Town” Text Is 100% My Favorite Thing In The World