I just found out that my boss is being fired. I have to coordinate a meeting to deliver the news. PGP.
Performance review season. PGP.
Living by the phone call policy: if it’s important, they’ll leave a voicemail or send an email. PGP.
Team-wide argument is breaking out over email. PGP.
My boss walks into my office and asks, “What are you working on?” like he’s trying to catch me not working. Every. Single. Day. PGP
Decided to be healthy and take the stairs this morning. Tripped and spilled my coffee. PGP.
Office’s computer network was hacked so all systems are down. I’ve being doing newspaper puzzles all morning and getting paid for it. PGP.
Feeling proud for stopping at three beers. PGP.
When my boss asked me about my New Year’s Resolution, I almost said “finding a new job.” PGP.
“Alright guys… if we all don’t come in this Friday… they can’t fire all of us.” – My coworkers every week. PGP.