Celebrated my 1-year anniversary with a phone interview in my car during lunch. PGP.
The security guard in my building that works overnight on the weekend is starting to get judgmental. PGP.
Only used one slice of bread on my sandwich. Not to cut costs. I only had one slice of bread. PGP.
Only using your business cards to register for free lunches at restaurants. PGP.
Getting called sir or ma’am by someone only a few years younger than you. #PGP
The only men that hit on me are old enough to be my father and creepy enough to be my uncle. PGP.
Please don’t talk to me please don’t talk to me please don’t talk to me damn it. “Good morning!” PGP.
Spent over four hours today trying to figure out the Rubik’s Cube on the Google home page. PGP.
1: “Let’s do lunch.” 2: “If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, I wouldn’t need this job.” PGP.
Submitting one resume and immediately planning a life based around that potential job. PGP.