I started watching Survivor just so me and my boss have something to talk about. PGP.
I have way more money in my 401k than my bank account. They swore I wouldn’t even miss it. PGP.
My boss uses “swag” interchangeably with “estimate.” PGP.
“One-upping” is now about who had the most shit to deal with at work that week. PGP.
I don’t know if I’m terrible at budgeting or if I’m just not making enough money. PGP.
Would still rather be in PR for the Clippers. PGP.
1: “I wanna go home.” 2: “We all do.” PGP.
Calling your boss just to make sure he’s at his desk and not walking around. PGP.
My ex-girlfriend changed her Netflix password. PGP.