That’s what I love about these interns, man. I get older, they stay the same age. PGP.
HR still uses internet explorer. #PGP
I can relate to only 15% of the pop culture references my boss makes. PGP.
The daily battle of trash bin placement in my cubicle with the janitor.
Avoiding bathroom eye contact with coworkers, like two shits passing in the night. PGP.
I’ve had the dad bod before dad bods were cool. PGP
Frantically pressing the close door button in the elevator at the sound of approaching footsteps. PGP.
Had Claritin-D and a Red Bull for breakfast this morning. PGP.
Realizing your new Audi expectations just became your used Hyundai reality. PGP.
The “We only have enough money for 2 more months of operations” talk from the CEO. PGP.