I fell asleep before the Blackhawks even got to OT last night. PGP.
You know it’s going to be a good day when you get your side part in a straight line on your first try. PGP.
I’ll probably just get more coffee at 4:20. PGP.
I’m sick on a Monday. Not a single coworker believes that I’m not just hungover. #PGP
Paying for your unemployed friends bar tab, because it’s the right thing to do. PGP.
These last couple lackluster episodes of Mad Men have taken away my only Monday work motivation. PGP
If I can just make it to lunch, I’ll probably make it through the rest of the day. PGP.
Almost called into work because I’m still hungover. PGP
“So, you still haven’t found a girlfriend?” PGP