“And don’t worry, the survey is completely anonymous, so feel free to be honest”
Sounds like my upstairs neighbor just purchased an electric guitar, and doesn’t know how to play it. PGP.
Not being able to connect to the company WiFi in the bathroom. PGP.
“Is it on Netflix?”
Forgetting your headphones is like the end of the world. PGP.
All my college friends are still single and booze hounds. I’m married and get drunk of with a 6 pack. PGP
Paying rent before your friend’s bachelor party because you don’t trust yourself. PGP.
Having an inferior credit card rewards program than your friends. PGP.
“We’re going to start making some changes here in the office…”
I was told my Outlook picture needs to include the suit and tie headshot from the yearly meeting and not a back shot of me at the tee box.