When “work smart, not hard” is your daily justification for being completely worthless at the office. PGP.
Hoping nobody notices you already wore the same exact clothes earlier this week. PGP.
Saying “we should do lunch soon” to someone you hope you’ll never see again. PGP.
When living on the edge is enrolling in health insurance coverage without first consulting your parents. PGP.
Having someone hold two consecutive doors open for you, and being unsure if you should thank them once or twice. PGP.
Your firm’s social committee having the slogan, “Work hard, play hard.” PGP.
Parents bought me a $100 decanter. I filled it with a $15 plastic handle of whiskey. PGP.
Off the record Gchat is about as badass as I get these days. PGP.
Getting excited about new reading material on the bulletin board in the break room. PGP.
Losing the company softball game because a managing partner decided he wanted to be the starting pitcher. PGP.
I haven’t seen my family in 2 years. We email each other now. PGP.
My boss, who probably makes five times what I make, just won an iPad in the company raffle. He also mentioned that he already had one at home. Luck him. PGP.