Wife ordered me a Romphim. PGP.
“Flexible” Time Off being inflexible. PGP.
Flirting with the HR girl has to be a trap. PGP.
My company is “encouraging” us to join the Workplace by Facebook and share our lives at work. PGP.
Pretty sure I threw out my back yesterday by sitting in my car driving. PGP.
I usually keep an extra shirt in my office for emergencies. Took it home yesterday and spilled coffee on myself today. PGP.
The daily struggle of getting up a little early to make breakfast or sleeping that extra 10 minutes and go for the 2 for $4 at Burger King. PGP.
“You don’t look like the marrying type.” PGP.
In a wedding but just as an usher. PGP.
Acid reflux. PGP.
Knowing you’re due for your annual act of mischief and debauchery but still dealing with the fallout from last years incident. PGP.
The highlight of my week will be the Grillmaster Giveaway…even if I don’t win. PGP.