Knowing the end of one cold streak probably just means the start of another. PGP.
We have a “Senior Analyst” who is 24. PGP.
Delayed joining PGP for as long as I could. You have me now. PGP.
I ate a hamburger bun for breakfast. PGP.
Mastering the ability to look engaged while daydreaming about food. PGP.
I no longer understand the concept of “expendable income.” PGP.
Retail therapy occurs exclusively in the clearance section. PGP.
Doing online typing tests so it sounds like you’re diligently working. PGP.
Not telling your parents you got promoted because you’re scared they’ll stop giving you money. PGP.
Mom coming to visit this weekend. Perfect timing. I have $17 left in my checking account. PGP.