I listen to podcasts more than I listen to music. PGP.
Filling out my bracket gives me more anxiety than anything at my job. PGP.
I was 150% productive yesterday; I’m about 30% productive today. It’s called balance. PGP.
It was 65 degrees on Tuesday. It’s 6 degrees and snowing today. PGP.
I was the only one left in the office at 5:00, and the janitor came by my desk and informed me, “You know, you’re not getting any extra credit for staying late.” PGP.
Taking an early lunch despite the fact I’m not even hungry. PGP.
An apple a day does not keep the doctor away. PGP.
Apparently my headset does not actually mute while I’m on conference calls. PGP.
“Have you tried restarting it?” PGP.
Sometimes you just have to take a fuck it I am not going in day. PGP.