Need to find a drug guy. Coffee is just not getting it done anymore. PGP.
Fantasy football scouting has officially taken over my lunch break. PGP.
People thinking you’re not a hard worker because you can get done with your work in 1/3 of the time. PGP.
“This site is best experienced with Ad-Blockers turned off.” PGP.
Unnecessarily explaining what you were doing on your phone when the boss walks by. PGP.
Now that we’re married, my wife nonchalantly talks about how hot other guys are. PGP.
My mom posted a photo on Facebook that got 40 more like than I’ve ever gotten. PGP.
Conveniently having a meeting or work to do every time somebody asks you if you wanna get lunch together. PGP.
Spending hours researching house buying despite having no savings to buy a house. PGP.
Getting Windows 10 on your work computer. PGP.