Day 2 of taking Adderall: still no actual work done, but just in case anyone asks, I have exactly 318 Post-it’s in 7 different colors and the building I can see from my cubicle has 240 windows. PGP.
“Welcome to Chipot– oh hey man, you want the usual?” PGP.
I swear this is my last time downloading Tinder. PGP.
The irony of being a divorce attorney on Tinder. PGP.
This is my coffee mug. There are many like it, but this one is mine. PGP.
1: “Going to decorate your cube?” 2: “Someday. With my brain splatter.” PGP.
“Late night, come home. Work sucks, I know.” PGP.
When you’re so bored that you actually start doing some work. PGP.
Taco Bell for breakfast because you were late for work. Taco Bell for dinner because you have no self respect. PGP.