Paying the price on Monday for how little you accomplished on Friday. PGP.
Stayed in to watch Shark Tank last night. It was a re-run. PGP.
Sending out the desperate “Anything going on tonight?” mass text. PGP.
Just came to the realization that I am now older than 99.9% of college athletes. PGP.
My boss sees white and gold, I see blue and black. This explains so much.
Started spending my tax refund today… haven’t yet done my taxes.
Got asked by a bald coworker if I was thinning up top. He then proceeded to tell me, “Don’t fight it.” PGP.
I probably peaked at 21. Maybe 22. PGP.
Coworkers acting like they’ve never seen a Catholic on Ash Wednesday. PGP.
Not getting laid for 40 days and telling everyone you gave up sex for Lent. PGP.